The New Threat to Justice

Posted by Michael Morris | Posted in | Posted on 9:33 AM

Recently, I was informed about the American contribution to the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009 in Uganda. For those of you who are lost, the Ugandan government recently imposed a bill that seeks the death penalty as punishment for those who practice homosexuality. What many don't know, and what Im rather embarrassed to say, is that this injustice was sparked by three American evangelicals who held a three day conference about the ills of homosexuals and how "they" threaten the God-based institution of marriage. They even went as far as to say, during the conference, that homosexuals "often sodomize young boys". Uganda is already an environment that has much conservative Christian influence receiving the attention of many evangelicals and evangelical dollars every year. And one Ugandan politician saw this as insight he needed to act upon immediately and proposed the unjust bill. 

This yet another opportunity for America do some positive for a change and influence Uganda economically by ceasing some its funding until this senseless bill is revoked. Its also another example of how fundamentalism of any religion can be dangerous. I am disgusted with the evangelicals who spread this poison that I believe Christ himself would be fighting. You see, I thought Christian thought and practice was to highlight and enhance the plight of the luckless, loveless, landless, an other victims of social structural arrangements, not create more barriers of justice that exhibits the illogical quest of forced conversion. I think what we need is an honest discussion about how Christians should interact with those that practice homosexuality. I think we have a duty to protect them from this type of dogmatic pervasiveness. 
What do you think? How do you feel about those that practice homosexuality? Should we feel anything at all? Or should we just be satisfied with the systematic dogmas of Christianity that makes life comfortable???